"The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" is an awesome Walt Disney comedy show about identical twins (played by Cole Sprouse and Dylan Sprouse - real life twins). They are all living at the "Tipton Hotel", in Boston, with their single mother who works in a hotel as a lounge singer. The show is geared towards kids in exploring various adventures that the twins get themselves in, especially with a strict, yet carring hotel manager, Mosby, and other collection of characters, such as Maddie (played by Ashley Tisdale) or the "poor" London (played by Brenda Song).

Cole Mitchell Sprouse and Dylan Thomas Sprouse, are identical twins that are the main actors in the show. Born in Italy (of all places) on August 4, 1992, Dylan is about 15 minutes older than Cole, who was named after the famous songwriter Nat King Cole.

This site is dedicated to everything Zack and Cody, the show and its characters. Feel free to post any news, gossip or information about the show, Cole or Dylan Sprouse, Ashley Tisdale or any other characters, producers ... ANYTHING. (see below, feel free to add your input)

This is a place where you can enter anything you know about "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" show, Cole or Dylan Sprouse, Ashley Tisdale, "Suite Life on Deck", anything about cast members, what you like and don't like - ANYTHING AT ALL. Others can add their "comments" to and VOTE on what you enteredHigher the VOTE, the higher your entry ranks on the list....ENJOY!!
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody Show

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Dylan Sprouse
Dylan Sprouse 
 Zack Martin
Cole Sprouse Cole Sprouse 
 Cody Martin
Zack and Cody Show Cast
Phill Lewis 
 Mr. Moseby 
Zack and Cody Show Cast
Kim Rhodes 
 Carey Martin
Zack and Cody Show Cast
Brenda Song 
 London Tipton
Zack and Cody Show Cast
Ashley Tisdale 
 Maddie Fitzpatrick
Current Gossip (post your own)